Recovery in Frederick County, MD: The Facts and How to Help


September marks the 32nd annual National Recovery Month; a month dedicated to educating Americans about mental health and substance abuse disorders and to promote and support new recovery practices. Additionally, National Recovery Month is a way to celebrate and honor those who are in recovery and encourage them to be part of a proud recovery community.

This year’s theme is “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.” Recovery is indeed for every community, including all of us in Frederick County. Our community continues to struggle with a variety of substance abuse problems. According to statistics, drug and alcohol-related deaths have almost doubled in Frederick County since 2015. Furthermore, the amount of opioid-related deaths has increased almost every year since 2007. 

However, recovery is for everyone. If you’re reading this now while struggling with your own mental health or substance abuse issues, it’s definitely for you, too.

Getting Back on Your Feet

From the outside looking in, it might seem like once the first few weeks of recovery are over, the rest is much easier. However, that is not the case. The hardest part of recovery comes after the initial steps are taken, and you’re back to the normal day-to-day routine of life without the crutches you’ve grown accustomed to. 

If you’re facing a life of recovery, it’s important to follow a few guidelines to help you get back on your feet and build a solid foundation to start your new life. Some of these guidelines include:

  1. Secure a Job

Finding a job with consistent hours is necessary for you to take control of your finances and support your new lifestyle. Even if you can only find a job you’re not crazy about at first, take it and work hard while looking for an opportunity to move on. This will help you secure your future by giving you a place to live, food to eat, and anything else you may need. 

  1. Review Your Social Circle

All of us are influenced by our friends or the people around us in one way or another. As you begin to build your new life, make sure you are surrounding yourself with positive influences. These should be people who not only lead healthy lifestyles themselves but also who fully support you in your endeavors. 

  1. Find Your Passion

You may be coming out of a life where you lost a lot of the passion for things you enjoyed. As you recover, it’s time to find that again. One of the most important things you can do for your recovery is to stay productive and engage in healthy activities and pastimes. Whether you join a book club, take up a craft or begin an artistic pursuit, keep yourself busy with productive things that you can become passionate about. 

  1. Utilize Local Social Services

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Not only can you find a community of others on the same journey as you, but there is a host of services in Frederick County that you can use to help overcome barriers you may encounter. From helping you find a job to finding a safe and affordable place to live, see what different social service organizations can do to support you.

Where to Go for Help

If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to utilizing your local resources, here are some organizations in Frederick County that can help you in a variety of ways during your recovery:

  1. Frederick County Health Department

Our county health department is a great resource to turn to for recovery help or any other issues related to public health.

  1. Frederick County Behavioral Health Services

Part of the health department, services available for those with behavioral health issues run the gamut from adolescent and adult screening to peer support groups.

  1. Adult Recovery Services (CORE)

This community organization offers a wide variety of support to those in recovery. Whether you need life-skill classes, peer-led support groups, or even help to find employment or housing, CORE is an invaluable resource to utilize. 

Second Chances Garage is also here to support you in recovery. For 11 years, Second Chances Garage has been helping people get back on their feet by providing dependable transportation at prices that modest budgets can afford. We know that the lack of reliable transportation is often a barrier to securing employment and stabilizing your finances. 

For more information about how Second Chances Garage can help you or if you would like to donate to help someone in recovery, contact us today!

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