Women’s Giving Circle provides $210,000 in grants
For The Frederick News-Post Aug. 23, 2019

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The Women’s Giving Circle of Frederick County announces that 39 grants totaling $210,000 have been presented to 24 area nonprofits serving women and children. The grants were presented during the 13th annual event held in June. The Women’s Giving Circle of Frederick County Fund is one of more than 700 component funds of the Community Foundation of Frederick County.
The FY2019 grants bring the Women’s Giving Circle grant total to $1,656,500 since the first grants were provided in 2006 in support of its mission to provide programs and services promoting self-sufficiency for women and those who depend on them. The organization was founded by Karlys Kline, a local resident who wanted to find ways to assist women and their dependents. The idea quickly caught on and through a partnership with the Community Foundation, the organization has grown to include more than 325 members. Kimberly S. Chaney, Women’s Giving Circle chairperson, encourages those interested in membership to visit www.FrederickWGC.org for more information.
The following nonprofits received grants:
Advocates for Homeless Families received a $4,000 grant to provide assistance accessing permanent housing or avoid energy shutoff, a $4,000 grant to provide or maintain reliable transportation and childcare, and a $500 grant for its urban gardens program.
The Birthing Circle received a $6,500 grant to assist women in challenging pregnancy and birth situations to improve birth outcomes.
Boys & Girls Club of Frederick County received a $5,000 grant to provide summer child care scholarships to children of single mothers.
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick received a $3,000 grant to provide safe and age appropriate car seats to FrederickCounty women, and a $3,000 grant for diapers and wipes for mothers with financial need.
Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership received a $3,000grant to provide higher education assistance to women who have incarceration in their lives, and a $1,000 grant for respite support of caregivers of children impacted by incarceration.
Daybreak Adult Care Services received an $8,000 grant to provide respite services to women caring for an aging parent or spouse.
Frederick Community College Foundation received a $5,000 grant for its Allied Health Academy to assist unemployed or under-employed women seeking to acquire training in an allied health field, and a $5,000 grant for Project Forward Step to reduce financial barriers for low-income single mothers and displaced women enrolled in classes.
Frederick Memorial Hospital received a $5,500 grant for its Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Support and Outreach Program, including mental health treatment for pregnant and postpartum women in Frederick County.
Frederick Rescue Mission Inc. received an $8,000 grant for its Faith House Program in support of case management services to homeless mothers and children, and a $3,000 grant to support its food distribution center for women in need.
Heartly House received an $8,000 grant to provide medical accompaniment and advocacy for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Housing Authority of the City of Frederick received an $8,000 grant in support of child care costs to help women move forward, and an $8,000 grant to provide transportation to women improving their lives through education and employment.
Literacy Council of Frederick County Inc. received a $3,000 grant to support women’s literacy programs and a $2,500 grant for women’s literacy program teaching and learning materials.
Mental Health Association of Frederick County received a $5,000 grant in support of its Parent Coach program that helps promote parent/child relationships and improves child development, and a $7,500 grant in support of its Healthy Families Frederick program to promote child well-being through intensive home visits for first-time mothers.
Mission of Mercy Inc. received a $3,500 grant to provide medical services to uninsured and underinsured women with hypertension and heart disease, a $3,500 grant to provide medications to uninsured and underinsured for women with diabetes, a $3,500 grant to provide general medications for uninsured and underinsured women, and a $6,000 grant for dental care for uninsured and underinsured women.
Partners In Care received a $3,000 grant to better serve older women by focusing on personal needs such as member advocacy, health, wellness and safety concerns.
The Phoenix Foundation receivedan $8,000 grant to provide financial assistance for women who cannot afford substance use disorder treatment fees, sober living fees, transportation for treatment and/or treatment-related prescription medication.
Planned Parenthood of Maryland received an $8,000 grant to provide reproductive healthcare screenings, tests and treatments to women living at or below poverty level.
The Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs received an $8,000 grant for eviction and utility interruption prevention for women and their families, and an $8,000 grant to help provide emergency shelter and case management support for homeless women with children.
The Salvation Army received a $5,000 grant to provide individualized services to families with children to assist in breaking generational cycles of crisis and vulnerability.
Second Chances Garage received an $8,000 grant in support of the low-cost vehicle repair program for women, and an $8,000 grant to provide refurbished vehicles for women.
Seton Center Inc. received a $6,000 grant in support of the DePaul Dental Women’s program to provide dental screenings and services to uninsured, low-income women, and a $7,000 grant to support the cost of dentures or partials for uninsured, low-income women.
Spanish Speaking Community of Maryland received an $8,000 grant to educate and support mothers of children who attend FrederickCounty Public Schools who are victims of abuse and/or are low-income to help build self-sufficiency and invoke their legal rights.
Student Homelessness Initiative Partnership (SHIP) received an $8,000 grant to provide emergency shelter in area hotels for women and children experiencing homelessness.
Wells House at Gale Recovery received a $2,000 grant to provide Trauma Informed Yoga to female patients.