Last Friday, we had another first! Russ, who purchased a 2005 Honda Odyssey from us, donated the car back after many years of good use. We were able to refurbish the car once again and present it to Wahad. Talk about a whole new level of upcycling! Thank you, Russ, for helping the Frederick community!
Wahad, who was referred by Sara of Lutheran Social Services, was a Journalist in Afghanistan, before immigrating to the United States with his family. As a family of 5, public transportation and Uber are hurdles so personal transportation will provide the flexibility and freedom to juggle work, errands, school, and family activities as well as have more access to resources.
Our primary mission is to provide safe and reliable cars to low-income, wage-earning families in Frederick County. We receive car donations to make this dream a reality. Learn more about what happens when you donate a car.